We are an evangelical, Bible-
We come from different countries, but we all believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, which is why the sermon is the most important part of any service.
25 December -
29 December Morning Worship & Sunday School -
10.30 Morning Worship & Sunday School at Chemin des Fleurettes 36.
Click here to listen to the most recent sermons.
20:00 Bible Study and Prayer Meeting via Google Meet.
If you wish to join us, please send an email.
11.30 Youth Group (once a month)
We welcome our brothers and sisters who have fled their homes and found refuge in Switzerland. By the grace of God we have several Russian speakers in our church, so we are able to offer simultaneous translation into Russian, as well as translation during Sunday School. In addition we offer advice and support as well as our love and prayers.
Мы приветствуем наших братьев и сестер, которые покинули свои дома и нашли убежище в Швейцарии. По милости Божьей в нашей церкви есть несколько русскоговорящих, поэтому мы можем предложить синхронный перевод на русский язык, а также некоторый перевод во время воскресной школы. Кроме того, мы предлагаем совет и поддержку, а также нашу любовь и молитвы.
Lausanne Free Church, Chemin des Fleurettes 36
1007 Lausanne, Switzerland
Judged and Delivered is a commentary that gives a different perspective on the book
of Judges. The book and the e-
Are there prophets today?
This booklet answers the question. Click here to download a printable version.