Morning Worship consists of Bible readings, hymns, prayers and a sermon.
The preaching is focused on explaining and applying the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter.
Our aim is to worship God with a joyful reverence. We want to bring our praises to our great God for all his love and grace to us. We also want to be taught from the Bible about how to become a Christian and how to grow as a Christian.
The Bible we use is the New King James and the hymnbook is the Trinity Hymnal.
A typical service might be as follows:
Bible reading (usually a psalm)
Hymn (based on the reading, if possible)
Bible reading
Sermon based on the last Bible reading
Open prayer
After the service, tea and coffee are served.
On the second and fourth Sunday of the month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together during the service, usually after the third hymn. Anyone who knows that their sins have been forgiven because of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross on their behalf is welcome to share in the bread and the wine.