Lausanne Free Church "believing all things written"

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Sermons from LFC

General acknowledgement

The sermons published on this website were prepared for public preaching at Lausanne Free Church, therefore it would be impractical to list all the sources used in their preparation.

The elders of Lausanne Free Church would like take this opportunity to acknowledge that much of the material in these sermons is not their own ideas or words and that they have freely borrowed from the sermons and books of current and past preachers and writers. They are ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’.

In particular the elders would like to acknowledge the great help they have received from the following: John Calvin, Matthew Henry, Charles Simeon, J.C. Ryle, C. H. Spurgeon, William Hendriksen, Simon Kistemaker, A. W. Pink, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, James Montgomery Boice, Warren Wiersbe, Stuart Olyott, John MacArthur and Peter Masters.

The elders also have drawn ideas from various series of Bible commentaries and in particular wish to acknowledge their debt to the following: The Welwyn series (published by Evangelical Press); the Geneva series (published by Banner of Truth); the Focus on the Bible series (published by Christian Focus) and the Preaching the Word series (published by Crossway). To God be the glory!

The most recent sermons are listed below. Earlier sermons from the series are available. If you would like to listen to them please email here.

Living on Borrowed Time (Luke 13)

Why Go To Church? (Luke 13)

The Kingdom of God (Luke 13)

A Meal With Jesus (Luke 14)

The Cost of Being a Christian (Luke 14)

Saving Faith (Matthew 14)

The Lost Sheep (Luke 15)

The Lost Coin (Luke 15)

Four sermons on the strategies of Satan

Be Warned - Expect Persecution (Ezekiel 25)

Beware the Great Seducer (Ezekiel 26 & 27)

Be Watchful, Don’t Be Deceived (Ezekiel 28)

Beware of Worldliness (Ezekiel 29)

Have you ever wondered about spiritual gifts today?

Do you know that the Bible teaches the sign gifts have ceased?

For a printable booklet on the subject of speaking in tongues please click here.

Here is a list of sermons about the charismatic gifts:

Seven Facts About Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12)

Love - A More Excellent Way (1 Corinthians 13)

The Amazing Gift of Tongues (1 Corinthians 14)

The Amazing Gifts of Miracles and Healings (Exodus 3 & 4)

Prophecy, Healings and Miracles today (James 5)

Expository sermons on several books of the Bible can be provided on request.

Series available include Genesis, I Chronicles, Esther, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Matthew, Luke, Acts, Thessalonians (I & II), James and Revelation.

Please email here if you would like to know more or if you have any questions.